Resources and Publications
2. Community measurement, monitoring and mapping of forest carbon

Field guide:

KTGAL (2009) A Field Guide for Assessing and Monitoring Reduced Forest Degradation and Carbon Sequestration by Local Communities, Parts 1, 2 and 3 (in one volume).
This document is a field manual, developed by the K:TGAL project, for the training of local organisations who would in turn train local communities to make formal forest inventories. It is the full field guide, being updated and improved on a regular basis. Any comments or suggestions would be very welcome. Please send these to


Trofida 2009:


Papers and articles:

Graciela Peters-Guarin and Michael K. McCall (March 2010) Community Carbon Forestry (CCF) for REDD. Using CyberTracker for Mapping and Visualising of Community Forest Management in the Context of REDD.

Van Laake, P van, Skutsch M and McCall M (2009) Data collection and national/local level. Chapter 3.4 in GOFC-GOLD: Reducing GHG emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries: a sourcebook of methods and procedures for monitoring, measuring and reporting. Report version COP14-2, Alberta, Canada.
Download: here or: here

Skutsch, M., Van Laake, P.E., Zahabu, E., Karky, B.S. and Phartiyal, P. (2009). Community monitoring in REDD+. Chapter 8 in: Angelsen, A. (ed). Realising REDD+; National strategy and policy options. International Centre for Research in Forestry (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia.

Graciela Peters G., Michael K. McCall, Mario Galván T., Juan Manuel Téllez G., Arturo Quiroz T., y Jaime Navia A. (2009) Resultados Mapeo Participativo de Cobertura del Suelo y localización de Infraestructura de Interés comunitario Comunidad San Juan Bautista – Uruapan, Abril – Mayo 2009

Graciela Peters G.; Michael K. McCall ;Ruperto G.; Jorge Fernández; Félix Galán; Santiago Quesada; Hlario Saucedo; y Jaime Navia A. (2009) Resultados Definición participativa de posibles áreas de conservación Ejido Taretan – Municipio Taretan, Michoacán. Mayo 2009

Minang, P.A., McCall, M.K. (2006) Participatory GIS and local knowledge enhancement for community carbon forestry planning: an example from Cameroon. PLA notes, vol. 54.

Verplanke, J.J. (2005) Mobile GIS and local knowledge in monitoring carbon stocks. ICT update August.

Minang, Peter (June 2007) "Community Forests and Carbon management in Cameroon: Integrating Local Stakes into the Kyoto Protocol through Collaborative Planning Methods".



Peters-Guarin, G.; y M.K. McCall (2009) Mapeo y visualización en áreas de Manejo comunitario de recursos forestales. Para la acreditación de secuestro de carbono como estrategia de mitigación bajo los acuerdos de cambio climático (REDD). Presentation to CCMSS, Mexico CF

Patrick van Laake (2009) National capacity building needs in support of community carbon forestry. Presentation at GOFC-GOLD side event, SBSTA, Bonn.